There is something about cleansing your home and sacred space with a smudge bundle that makes me extremely happy. It might be the way the space feels after you are done, or the act of shedding and releasing things that no longer serve you by smudging as a ritual itself, but whatever it is, you want it too, believe me. Mystics, shamans, healers and elders have been using smudge to clear negative energy and protect their sacred spaces for ritual work for centuries, and science has recently weighed in on the activity, proving it's effectiveness as a purification tool that releases negative ions, which researched has linked to improved moods in test subjects. A beautiful and sacred activity, smudging is a wonderful way for you to prepare and sanctify your space. We are delighted to be able to offer you several different smudge bundles.
This listing is for one White Sage Torch Smudge Stick.