What Are carbon gouging?
Carbon gouging, also known as air carbon-arc gouging, is a metal removal process used for cutting or gouging metals. In this method, a carbon electrode is connected to a power source, and an arc is created between the electrode and the metal workpiece. Simultaneously, compressed air is directed through the electrode to blow away the molten metal, creating a groove or cut in the material. Carbon gouging is particularly effective for removing unwanted or defective welds, preparing surfaces for welding, and cutting through thick metal sections. It is a versatile and widely used technique in various industries, including fabrication, construction, and maintenance, where precise metal removal is required.
These are a pound (1lb) of 12" Arc Carbon Gouging Electrode with 1/4" Diameter.
- High conductivity of the copper coating improves efficiency and reduces heat generation.
- Typical composition is 95% graphite and 5% copper coating.
- Electric arcs efficiently melt the metal, with functional compressed air used to blow molten debris out of grooves.
- Our high-quality raw materials minimize dust and gases.
- The 1/4" diameter variant of our standard gouging carbon electrode is perfect for precise corrections and smaller grooves.