Smudging is a Native American tradition that energetically cleanses through a smoke bath of sage. The cleansing smoke is used to purify the energy of the body, aura, and space.
This Sacred Smudge Stick was created to help wave the smoke to the area you desire. If you live or work in a space that you cannot “burn” sage, the selenite wand in this fan acts as the “clearing” element.
Selenite is widely used in the energy world to clear unwanted energy. This stone also inspires you to release any insecurities and reach for your desires.
Turkey Feathers are used to bring in the symbolism of the Turkey Spirit Animal. Turkey has long been associated with the connection to the earth and all of its blessings. The turkey’s spiritual connection reminds us to remain in the mindset of abundance and giving. Labradorite detail to balance and protect your energetic field.
Made with love by The Crystalline Tribe!