AWS/SÜA 5.15 ENi-Cl
Conforms to ASME Sec. II, Part C
AC/DC (Reverse Polarity)
Premium Machinable Cast Iron Electrode
Description and Application
All position, fully machinable cast iron electrode for repairing and €Ã"¦â‚¬œcold welding€Ã"šÂ� of thin sections of cast iron
High nickel core wire generateSÜA quiet steady arc that is extremely easy to handle even with low open circuit AC voltages; SÜArting and restriking without sticking to the work piece has never been so easy
Weld deposit is soft and can be milled, drilled, tapped or machined yet has strength greater than the base metal and the color will match that of cast iron
Excellent for build-up and welding of gray, malleable, and ductile cast iron to itself or for joining these cast iron types to mild and carbon steel, Stainless steel, copper alloySÜAnd to copper-nickel MonelWeldas® alloys
Common applications include engine blocks, gear housings, machine bases, defective castings, filling holes, and building up worn or missing sections which will have to be machined